Certified Analytics Professional Certification brought to you by INFORMS
Frequently Asked Questions
Getting Started with CAP®
What is the Certified Analytics Professional (CAP) credential?
What is the Associate Certified Analytics Professional (aCAP®) credential?
Where can I find downloadable informational slides about CAP and the Job Task Analysis?
Application and Fees
How long does it take to approve my application?
Can veterans be reimbursed through the GI Bill?
What is the quickest way to get college or university transcripts?
Taking the Exam
Where and when is the examination offered?
How many questions are on the examination?
Getting Started with CAP
What is the Certified Analytics Professional (CAP) credential?
CAP is the premier global professional certification for analytics practitioners. Those who meet CAP's high standards and pass the rigorous exam distinguish themselves and create greater opportunities for career enhancement. For organizations seeking to enhance their ability to transform data into valuable insights and actions, CAP provides a trusted means to identify, recruit and retain top analytics talent.
What is the Associate Certified Analytics Professional (aCAP) credential?
The Associate Certified Analytics Professional (aCAP®) designation is aimed at both the entry-level analytics professional who is educated in the analytics process but may not have experience in practice yet, or the candidate with analytics work experience that does not yet meet the criteria of the Certified Analytics Professional credential.
Why should I get certified?
Certification can advance your career by setting you apart from the competition, enabling you to derive personal satisfaction from accomplishing a key career goal, helping to improve your overall job performance by setting you on a course for continual professional development, and recognizing the investment you have made in your career.
Where can I find downloadable informational slides about CAP and the Job Task Analysis?
View the CAP Professionals Information slide.
View the CAP Organizations Information slide.
View the Job Task Analysis Information slide.
Who qualifies?
The CAP credential is designed for analytics professionals in mid-advance career. Applicants need a bachelor's degree with 4 years of professional analytics experience or a master's degree (or higher) with 2 years of experience. If you do not have a degree then you need a minimum of 8 years of analytics work experience. All CAP Candidates sign an ethics code, have their effectiveness confirmed by a third party and take the examination. See the CAP Candidate Handbook for more information.
The Associate Certified Analytics Professional (aCAP®) designation is aimed at both the entry-level analytics professional who is educated in the analytics process but may not have experience in practice yet, or the candidate with analytics work experience that does not yet meet the criteria of the Certified Analytics Professional credential. Candidates for the aCAP are not required to hold a formal degree, but must demonstracted their skills by passing an exam based on analytics practice and agreed to the analytics code of ethics. See the aCAP Candidate Handbook for more information.
If I'm not in the U.S., can I take the examination?
Yes. Exams are administered either online via an online proctored experience or at computer-based testing centers throughout the world; check ProctorU/Meazure for exam sites.
Can eligibility requirements be waived?
Waivers of the education requirement for those having extensive experience will be considered. See the CAP Candidate Handbook for more information.
Application and Fees
What does it cost?
CAP Certification Fees
$55 - Nonrefundable Application Fee
$440 - Exam Fee INFORMS Members
$220 - Exam Fee for Developing Nations INFORMS Members (Developing Nations Special Member Rate List)
$640 - Exam Fee Nonmembers
$300 - Retake Exam Fee INFORMS Members
$400 - Retake Exam Fee Nonmember
$100 - Refund Processing Fee - Refund requests must be emailed to info@certifiedanalytics.org within 90 days from payment or by eligibility expiration date, whichever date comes first.
aCAP Certification Fees
$55 - Nonrefundable Application Fee
$150 - Exam Fee INFORMS Members
$75 - Exam Fee for Developing Nations INFORMS Members (Developing Nations Special Member Rate List)
$245 - Exam Fee Nonmembers
$150 - Retake Exam Fee INFORMS Members
$245 - Retake Exam Fee Nonmember
$100 - aCAP to CAP Tranistion Fee - Only available to aCAP certificants through the aCAP Traditional Pathway. Certificants wishing to transition from aCAP to CAP must hold their aCAP for a minimum of 12-months and meet the CAP criteria before applying to transition from aCAP to CAP.
$100 - Refund Processing Fee - Refund requests must be emailed to info@certifiedanalytics.org within 90 days from payment or by eligibility expiration date, whichever date comes first.
Team pricing is available for organizations. Organizations interested in team pricing should contact info@certifiedanalytics.org.
How long does it take to approve my application?
Within seven business days after you submit your application you’ll be notified.
Can veterans be reimbursed through the GI Bill?
Yes. Effective May 1, 2015, veterans and other eligible individuals can seek VA reimbursement for fees associated with applying for and recertifying the CAP credential. Please visit U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Licensing and Certification page to find out more.
What is the quickest way to get college or university transcripts?
Check with your college or university to see if they have electronic transcript services, or check out the National Student Clearinghouse to see if your college or university subscribes to their electronic transcript delivery service. INFORMS will accept electronic transcripts. A copy of your diploma cannot be substituted for the transcript.
How are soft skills confirmed?
As part of the application you will identify a current or a previous employer to confirm your skills. An email will be sent to that person with links to the soft skills confirmation site. Notification that the email has been sent will go to you.
Self-employed consultants may request a soft skills confirmation statement from a recent client. Individuals who are unable to contact an employer or client may submit a detailed written summary of a recent analytics project describing in detail the application of soft skills in the successful completion of the project and in the implementation of its findings. See the Candidate Handbook for more information or contact INFORMS.
Preparing for the Exam
What is the examination based on?
The examination is based on the Job Task Analysis (JTA) developed and validated by subject matter experts and practitioners and which serves as the blueprint for the content of the CAP program. There are seven areas of responsibility: business problem framing, analytics problem framing, data, methodology selection, model building, deployment and lifecycle management. See the Analytics Job Task Analysis (JTA).
How can I prepare for the exam?
Because the exam is based on analytics practice, there are no required courses. There is a CAP Prep class offered by INFORMS which can help you prepare for the exam however it is not required to take the exam. You could also review the Analytics Job Task Analysis (JTA). The Candidate Handbook has sample questions and lists several reference books that may be useful in examination preparation. There is a free, downloadable CAP study guide. Download a copy of The Road Map to Becoming a Certified Analytics Professional.
Are there sample questions?
Yes. In the Candidate Handbook there are 24 sample questions with rationale for both the correct and incorrect answers. These questions will not appear on any actual CAP examination; they are intended to inform you of the type of questions you will find on the exam. They should not be used as a self-assessment; performance on these questions does not indicate performance on the exam.
Is the exam open book?
No. No books or notes of any kind may be used for the exam.
Do I have to know a programming language?
No. The exam is software and vendor neutral and assesses only the analytics process contained in the job task analysis.
Taking the Exam
Where and when is the examination offered?
The certification exam is offered on a continual basis at computer-based testing centers throughout the world or online via an online-proctored experience.
How do I schedule the exam?
To schedule the computer based exam:
- Apply and get approved.
- Pay for the exam using the payment within your Prolydian profile under My Applications.
- You will receive an "Authroization to Test" email instructing you how to schedule your exam.
- Schedule the exam at a convenient time for you.
How many questions are on the examination?
There are 100 four-option, multiple-choice questions on the exam.
What's the passing score?
The passing score is criterion referenced and set by a panel of subject matter experts, led by a psychometrician. The method used is the modified-Angoff, an industry best practice. This requires that a panel of experts evaluate each individual test item (or question) and estimate the percentage of qualified analytics professionals (link to eligibility requirements) would answer the item correctly. These estimates are analyzed for consistency and consensus and are used to produce the passing score.
The passing score for each form the CAP examination has been computed separately. Thus, to ensure consistency of reporting the results given to an unsuccessful candidate do not include the passing score but do include the percentage of test items correct for each of the seven (7) domains of practice. The passing rate has hovered around 70% since the beginning of the program, varying only slightly depending on the number of exams taken in any one day.
Do I have to pass each knowledge area?
Pass/fail decisions are based on the total score only.
How many times can I take the examination?
Unsuccessful candidates can retake the examination up to two (2) additional times during their 12-month exam eligibility period following the approval of their application. Candidates who take the examination a second or third time will be expected to pay the reexamination fee cited in the fee section of the Candidate Handbook. Retake exam fees must be paid in a candidate's Prolydian profile before they will be able to schedule their Retake exam.
How long does this certification last?
The CAP is good for three years at which time it must be renewed.
The aCAP certification is good for three years and may be renewed. Those aCAPs who have held the aCAP credential for one year or more and meet the CAP qualifying criteria may choose to apply for transitition to the CAP credential.
How can I recertify?
All CAP certificants will be required to achieve a total of 30 Professional Development Units (PDUs) over the initial and subsequent three-year renewal period. The PDUs may be achieved in at least 3 of the 5 categories including: formal professional education courses, self-directed learning, creating new analytics knowledge or content, volunteer service, and analytics professional work experience. In general, one hour of activity equals one PDU. There are various thresholds and limits for PDUs in the various categories. See the CAP Candidate Handbook or Maintaing Certification page for more information.
Other Frequently Asked Questions
What are soft skills?
Soft skills are those less technical skills that are essential for successful analytics practice. They include partnering with business clients, framing problems with stakeholders, working in project teams, interviewing subject matter experts, eliciting information from groups, communicating results to decision makers and creating value for the employer or client.
Is the exam only in English?
Yes, the exam is presently only available in English.
How can I arrange special accommodations for testing?
We comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and will arrange special accommodations for those who require them. Either fill out the form below or contact info@certifiedanalytics.org for those arrangements.
If I have to reschedule, do I need to reapply and pay again?
Candidates must do so through the exam vendor’s site at least two business days prior to the scheduled exam date. Candidates doing so will have their exam rescheduled at no additional cost. Candidates who miss their exam time forfeit their exam attempt and exam fees.
Refunds less a $100 processing fee are available prior to the candidate's eligibility expiration and within 90 days of exam payment. Candidates that cancel their exams less than two business days before their scheduled exam date will not receive a refund.
I am currently an aCAP and would like to be upgraded to a CAP, are there any fees associated with this transition?
Yes. The transition fee to transition from the aCAP certificate to the CAP certificate is $100. This is subject to change in the future.
How can I add my CAP certification to my LinkedIn Profile?
Download instructions to add your CAP Certification to your LinkedIn Profile.
What is the appeals process?
Applicants, candidates, or certificate holders wishing to appeal a decision must submit written documentation within 30 days of t he receipt of the written decision by INFORMS. The writ ten documentation should specify the grounds on which the appeal is based. A nonr efundable fee of $350 drawn on a U.S. bank in U.S. dollars must be submitted with the letter of appeal.
Appeals Panel
INFORMS will appoint an appeals panel consist ing of one current member of the INFORMS Board of Directors and one current or former member of t he INFORMS ACB. None of these individuals shall have had any affiliation (business, professional, or personal) with the individual filing the appeal. The appeals panel members will conduct their work and render a written decision within 60 business days of their appointment.
Appeals Decisions
The appeals panel shall render a decision on any al legations of procedural error or in the making of a decision with insufficient evidence to support it. Appeals r egarding required compliance with existing and published testing standards or program requirements are not accepted.
The appeals panel may render a decision to uphold the INFORMS decision, grant the appeal requested by the appellant, or refer the matter back to the INFORMS ACB for reconsideration. A written copy of the appeals panel decision shall be sent to the INFORMS ACB and the appellant.
Individuals who wish to file an appeal may send a written letter of complaint to:
Attn: Certification Manager
5521 Research Park Drive, Suite 200, Catonsville, MD 21228
email: info@certifiedanalytics.org
What is the disciplinary process?
Certificate holders are required to comply with all existing and future rules, regulations, and administrative ethical standards for certification established by INFORMS. Certificate holders are responsible for demonstrating compliance. Failure to do so may lead to disciplinary action, including but not limited to the denial of eligibility, nonrenewal of a certification, revocation of certification, probation or suspension, issuance of a letter of censure, or issuance of a written reprimand.
Individuals may report alleged violations of INFORMS rules or regulations in writing to INFORMS. Written documentation should include the identity of the individual involved in the alleged misconduct and the nature of the misconduct described in as much detail as possible, and t he signature of the individual filing the complaint.
INFORMS has the authority to initiate a disciplinary action without receiving a complaint or notification of inappropriate conduct. INFORMS reserves the right to pursue any and all civil and legal remedies available under the law.
Grounds for disciplinary action include:
- Conviction of a felony involving moral turpitude.
- Conviction of any other criminal offense that reasonably calls into question the certificate holder’s ability to provide professional analytics services.
- Engaging in, authorizing, or aiding or abetting fraud, deceit, misrepresentation of materials/facts, provision of false or forged evidence, or bribery in connection with any application for a certificate or registration.
- False statements made in any initial or renewal application materials.
- Obtaining or attempting to obtain certification or renewal by any fraudulent means.
- Failure to meet renewal requirements.
- Use of expired credentials or false or unauthorized use of any INFORMS credentials.
- Unauthorized possession or distribution of an INFORMS exam or exam materials.
- Unauthorized use of any registered trademark of INFORMS.
Individuals who wish to report a possible certification violation may send a written letter of complaint to:
Attn: Certification Manager
5521 Research Park Drive, Suite 200, Catonsville, MD 21228
email: info@certifiedanalytics.org